2023 | N. Lucero Cortés Hernández , I-González Santoyo , A. López Tello, y A.B. Moreno Coutiño. Intervención basada en atención plena compasiva en estudiantes de música con sintomatología ansiosa. Psicología y Salud, Psicología y Salud, 33(1), 131-145. |
2021 | Autor corresponding: G-Santoyo I.*, Urquiza Marín H., Martinez-Pelayo M. Jiménez-Trejo F. , Aguilar-Díaz H. , Tapia-Rodriguez M. Coevolución Microbiota-Humano y sus implicaciones en salud: de cazadores recolectores a sedentarios industrializados. RECEIN la Salle. 14:56, 1-16. |
2021 | Tapia-Rodriguez M., G-Santoyo I., Arriaga-Canon, C., Jiménez-Trejo F. Implicaciones del microbioma en la etiología y el tratamiento del cáncer de próstata en humanos.,RECEIN la Salle.14:56, 87-112. |
2021 | Quiroz-Castañeda E., Aguilar-Díaz H., Hernández-Ortiz R, Castro -Saines E., G-Santoyo I., Avance en el estudio del microbioma de garrapatas: una visión hologenómica en busca de nuevas estrategias para su control. RECEIN la Salle. 14:56, 123-136. |
2019 | Autor corresponding: Gutiérrez-Estrada A., Ramírez-Camarillo E., González-Santoyo I*. When ecology matters: Testosterone and the expression of secondary sexual traits in men of two populations with contrasting socio-ecological contexts. Revista Bio Ciencias 6: (Suppl) e839. |
2007 | Autor corresponding: Ambriz Peña X., González-Santoyo, I*., Hernández Gallegos Z., Loyola Díaz M.. Determinación de la actividad in Vitro de derivados de nicardipina y nifedipina sobre la cepa W. Brener de Trypanosoma cruzi. Ciencia Nicolaita 23: 135-40. |
2023 | Autor corresponding:Ramirez-Carrillo Elvia * , G-Santoyo Isaac*, López-Corona Oliver * , …, & Nieto Javier. “We think what we eat: Animal-based diet influences cerebral and microbiota networks connectivity in early ages. A study case of an indigenous community in Mexico.” Accepted, PlosOne.Factor de Impacto: 3.75 |
2023 | Autor corresponding: Isaac G-Santoyo*, Elvia Ramírez-Carrillo, Jonathan Dominguez Sanchez, Oliver López-Corona. “Potential long consequences from internal and external ecology: loss of gut microbiota antifragility in children from an industrialized population compared with an indigenous rural lifestyle.” Accepted, Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease.Factor de Impacto: 2.74 |
2023 | Autor corresponding: Jaaziel Martínez-Ramírez , David Puts , Javier Nieto , and Isaac G-Santoyo*. Effects of facial skin pigmentation on social judgments in a Mexican population. Second Revision. PlosOne.Factor de Impacto: 3.75 |
2023 | Aung, T, Hill, A, Hlay, J, Hess, C,… G-Santoyo I, & Puts D; “Effects of Voice Pitch on Social Perceptions Vary with Relational Mobility and Other Socioecological Variables” Sometido. Psychological Science.Factor de Impacto: 10.17 |
2022 | De Aquino, I., González-Santoyo, I., Link, A., & Muñoz-Delgado, J. An exploratory study of cooperation: food-sharing behaviour in wild varied white-fronted capuchin monkeys (Cebus versicolor) in Central Colombia. Behaviour, 159(13-14), 1285-1300.Factor de Impacto: 1.46 |
2022 | Francisco Jiménez Trejo, Hugo Díaz Aguilar and Isaac González-Santoyo. Perception of the Social Response on the Preponderancy of the Omicron Variant of the SARS Cov-2 Virus in Mexico City. Archives of Diabetes and Obesity. 4(1), 400-401.Factor de Impacto: 1.06 |
2021 | Jones, B., DeBruine, L., Flake, J., Aczel, B., Adamkovic, M., Alaei, R., … , González-Santoyo, I, & Chartier, C. R. To Which World Regions Does the Valence-Dominance Model of Social Perception Apply? Nature Human Behaviour. 5:159-169Factor de Impacto: 24.25 |
2021 | Autor corresponding: G-Santoyo I.* , Tapia-Rodríguez, M, González-Tokman D.M. , Córdoba-Aguilar A. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger: detoxification ability as mechanism of honesty”.Functional Ecology 35(8), 1666-1678.Factor de Impacto: 6.28 |
2021 | Autor corresponding: Martínez-Correa S., Sánchez-Quinto A., Cequeda-García D., Falcón I. L., Gaona O., Nieto J.,& G-Santoyo I.* “Gut Microbiome in children from indigenous and urban communities in Mexico: Different subsistence models different microbiomes” American Journal of Human Biology 2021, 33:S1 Factor de Impacto: 2.94 |
2020 | Autor corresponding: Sánchez-Quinto A., Cequeda-García D., Falcón I. L., Gaona O., Martínez-Correa S., Nieto J.,& G-Santoyo I.* “Gut Microbiome in children from indigenous and urban communities in Mexico: Different subsistence models different microbiomes” Microorganisms 2020, 8 (10), 1592.Factor de Impacto: 4.92 |
2020 | Autor corresponding: Ramírez-Carrillo, E., Gaona, O., Nieto, J., Sánchez-Quinto, A., Cerqueda-García, D., Falcon, L. I., … & González-Santoyo, I*. “Disturbance in human gut microbiota networks by parasites and its implications in the incidence of depression”. Scientific Reports. 10 (1), 1-12. Factor de Impacto: 4.99 |
2020 | Autor corresponding: Leongomez, J. D., Sanchez, O. R., Vasquez-Amezquita, M.,…, & González-Santoyo, I*. “Self-reported health is related to body height and waist circumference in rural indigenous and urbanised latin-american populations”. Scientific Reports. 10(1), 1-13.Factor de Impacto: 4.99 |
2018 | F Jiménez-Trejo, I Coronado-Mares, M Boeta, I González-Santoyo, R Vigueras-Villaseñor, C Arriaga-Canon, LA Herrera, M Tapia-Rodríguez. “Identification of serotoninergic system components in stallion sperm”. Histology and histopathology, 33,951-958.Factor de Impacto: 2.02 |
2016 | Autor principal: González-Santoyo I., Wheatley J.R., Welling L., Cárdenas R.A., Jimenez-Trejo F., Dawood k., Puts D. “The face of female dominance: Women with dominant faces have lower cortisol”. Hormones and Behavior, 71, 16-21.Factor de Impacto: 3.49 |
2015 | Bello-Bedoy R., González-Santoyo, I., Serrano-Meneses, M.A., Vrech D., Rivas M., Munguía-Steyer R.E., Cordoba-Aguilar A. “Is allometry of sexual traits adaptive? A field test with territorial damselflies”. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society,114(2), 327-334.Factor de Impacto: 2.27 |
2014 | Autor principal: González-Santoyo, I., González-Tokman D.M. ,Munguía-Steyer R.E., Córdoba-Aguilar A. “A mismatch between the perceived fighting signal and fighting ability reveals survival and physiological costs for bearers”. PloS One, 9(1), e8457.Factor de Impacto: 3.99 |